Friday, November 16, 2012

A Thorough Checkup

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”                 —1 Thessalonians 5:23

I went to the eye doctor for a check up this past week. This is really big news as I have never been to an optometrist in my life. I always had good vision and never needed anything until recently as my eyes began to mature.

As I prepared to leave for my appointment, someone asked me who was going to drive me home. Drive me home? Why would I need someone to drive me home? They told me that eye doctors often put drops into your eyes in order to do a thorough exam. Your pupils remain dilated and you see poorly for several hours. I replied, “I don’t really want a thorough exam, I just want better reading glasses.”

Most of us like to avoid those thorough tests prescribed by our doctors. You know the mammograms, pap smears, prostate exams, and colonoscopies, to name a few. We don’t want the doctor to thoroughly examine us, we simply want this wart removed, or this headache cured, or this tingling to go away. Interestingly enough, doctors and surgeons usually like to know what’s going on inside the engine before they start rotating the tires.

Spiritually, we often come to Jesus because of some problem we are having in life. I’d like my marriage fixed (really, we just want our spouse fixed). I need my finances transformed—rather than making Jesus Lord of our finances; we simply want a better job or someone to pay our electric bill. I am having anxiety attacks and need Jesus to give me peace. God is the Great Physician and not only wants to give us peace and health but desires to sanctify us entirely: spirit, soul and body. God isn’t concerned with quick fixes and minor repairs. God wants to do a complete life make over in us.

The word “sanctify” used in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 means “to make holy.” Usually we think of holiness to mean not doing anything wrong. Although holiness may imply holy living and doing right things, holiness has a relational aspect to it. Holiness for the Christian also means belonging to God. If I am completely God’s, I am holy. Holiness has to do with being in love with God. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.”

I believe it is God’s desire to sanctify us wholly. God wants to make us completely His, but this can only be done if we invite the Lord to search and know us completely. The Psalmist concludes Psalm 139 with a beautiful prayer of surrender and consecration, Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (139:23-24).

Are things in your life not working correctly? Maybe it’s time for a thorough entire-life checkup. Good checkups usually include eyes, heart, and other body parts, but a thorough checkup would include asking the Lord to search our lives completely and to sanctify us wholly unto Him. It may be time for you to call upon the Lord and surrender to His will and way in your life.

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