Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer Re-Creation

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."    —Colossians 3:17

We’ve probably all heard the famous vacation line, “Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.” Well, I can certainly say that this year.  I received three new T-shirts so far this year from summer experiences: a Chik-fil-A Leadercast shirt, a Bain Lakehouse Reunion 2013 shirt, and an Elevation Church VIP shirt.

I attended a leadership simulcast broadcast by Chik-fil-A out of Atlanta and received a T-shirt as a door prize for traveling the greatest distance to eat at one of their franchises. This spring I ate at a Chik-fil-A in Seneca, SC near Clemson University.

I paid for the Bain Lakehouse Reunion shirt as part of our family’s reunion at my brother’s house on Lake Keowee last week. On the way home, we traveled through Charlotte and attended Elevation Church pastored by Steven Furtick. The shirt was a gift to first time attenders who turned in an information card.

Summer should be a time of recreation (spelled re-creation—being made new, rejuvenated). By breaking from our normal routines, we may be refreshed in many ways. My T-shirts represent three areas of life that could use some re-creation.

The Leadercast: we all need to be rejuvenated for our vocation and workplace. By attending a meaningful continuing education event, we can be inspired by new training and receive renewed energy for what we do for a living. Family Time: we are so busy that we often neglect those closest to us and our most important relationships. We should all spend some super quality and fun time with our family this summer.

The Spiritual: throughout the summer, we often see a drop in church attendance, and I fear an equal slippage in our spiritual walk with the Lord. I would encourage all of us to make our summer excursions opportunities for spiritual renewal. Try out some new worship experience on vacation. Send or take your kids on a Church Camping experience. Attend a seminar or special service as a break from your regular spiritual disciplines. Please, check out Oakland’s website, we are hosting Willow Creek’s Global Leadership Summit, August 8-9.

Paul writes, “Whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col. 3:17). Summer doesn’t have to be a time of boredom, lawn chores, and sweat. Make your summer a time for being made new by giving “whatever you do” unto the Lord as an act of worship. Allow the Lord to make you new, re-create you, as you enjoy a change of schedules.

By the way, I could and probably should have gotten four T-shirts this summer. Elevation Church offered Love-week shirts to everyone who stayed after the service and helped pack rice meal kits for hungry people around the world. Since I had to be home very early the next morning and had participated in that exact outreach at our Annual Conference a few weeks before, I decided sneak off without the fourth shirt. The problem with that decision is that I neglected to help someone else be re-created by my summer activities. Remember the Lord, your family, and your vocation, but don’t forget those in need. The greatest re-creation we often receive comes from helping another person. Have a great summer.

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