Thursday, October 10, 2013

Small Acts of Faith

Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”    
—Acts 3:6

Arthur was a machinist who had a wife, family, and home but lost it all due to his drinking. He found himself in a line to receive free sandwiches with other homeless folk in the lower east side of Manhattan. Even as a small fight broke out among those waiting in line, the volunteer looked Arthur straight in the eye, said a kind word, and handed him a sandwich. Arthur broke down in tears to such a degree that they called the pastor to come and speak with him.

The pastor moved Arthur to a park bench nearby where he shared his story of losing his job, wife, family, car, and home. That day, Arthur prayed to receive Christ and got up from the bench a changed man. Although he eventually ended up in prison, Arthur never lost his faith in Christ and led several inmates to the Lord. Eventually, Arthur was released from prison, moved to upstate New York, and now works for a Christian ministry.

What made the difference in Arthur’s life? Arthur said it was a peanut butter sandwich and a kind word that was spoken to him. Someone treated him with dignity and kindness. I never cease to be amazed at how delicate and fragile human life is. One minute we can be cruising along, then a phone call or momentary slip later our lives have completely changed. I am equally amazed at the power of a small act of kindness done in faith. Mother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” 

As Peter and John went up to the temple to pray, they came to a lame man asking for money. They had surely seen this beggar before. He had probably become part of the temple furnishings to many persons by this time, but this day was completely different. Peter and John looked him straight in the eye and engaged him in conversation, “Look at us!” they said. The beggar expected to receive some money, but Peter had none. Peter gave him everything he had; he gave him Jesus. “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” The healing miracle was definitely not a simple act, but stopping to notice someone, speaking to them, and offering to pray are simple acts, if done in faith, that can transform a life.

There are many Bible stories we teach our children that reflect the power of small acts done in faith. A young slave girl comments that a prophet in Israel could heal her master of leprosy. The Syrian General, Naaman, is healed and God is glorified (2 Kings 5). A small boy shares his sack lunch of two fish and five biscuits with Jesus. Jesus is praised and a crowd of 5,000 men (not counting woman and children) are fed (Matt 6).

Think about how many persons you pass everyday without noticing. Do you realize how fragile and broken their lives are? You may never know how thin the thread is that they are hanging on by. You will never know the difference a friendly look, a kind word, or a small act of kindness done in faith will do unless you stop, look, and act. You may not have great wealth, but give what you have. Give them Jesus. Small acts done in faith with great love will transform lives. Why not give it a try.

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