Friday, August 2, 2013

Free to Serve

“You were called to freedom, but do not use this freedom for an opportunity for the flesh, rather, serve one another in love.”    —Galatians 5:13

June has often been known as the month for weddings, but no so this year. At the church, July has turned out to be much more of a wedding month. In my own personal experience, Darlene and I were married in July. In preparation for weddings, I get to talk to couples about marriage and prepare wedding sermons on those famous marriage passages in Scripture. Last week, I used the Love Chapter, 1 Corinthians 13, as the Bible lesson.

The agape love of 1 Corinthians 13 describes a love that reflects the attitudes of the Kingdom of God. “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own” (vss. 4-5). Jesus taught and modeled the agape love of God. He gave up His rights to remain in heaven and cling to equality with God. Jesus emptied Himself, gave up His rights, and humbly served fallen humanity. He did not seek His own rights or benefits.

American culture is built upon individuality and human freedom that focuses on what’s in it for me. What can I do or what do I deserve that is within my rights. I celebrate the first Ten Amendments to the U. S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights. As the Congress debated the adoption of the Constitution, many feared if accepted as drafted, it would open the way to tyranny by the central government. As protection against our national government, the Bill of Rights was adopted. If we took a few moments to actually read the first Ten Amendments for ourselves, we may be shocked how they are worded to protect the citizen from Washington.

Toward our government, I would think it unwise to surrender any rights, but in human relationships and in our life in the Kingdom of God, let us live a life based on love rather than rights. Paul also follows the model and teaching of Jesus as he writes, “You were called to freedom, but do not use this freedom for an opportunity for the flesh, rather, serve one another in love” (Galatians 5:13). We as Christians have been set free from sin and death so we may choose to serve. We can now surrender our rights to benefit the needs of another.

Many western Christians want to argue how free we are to dabble in sinful behavior and still be considered a Christian. Many such discussions begin with the phrase, “But you can still … and be a Christian.” The other side of the discussion goes something like, “But you don’t have to … to be a Christian.” I’m not advocating a return to the religious legalism of do’s and don’ts, but Jesus came to set us free from our sin and self so we might serve others in love.

When is the last time you got your hands dirty as a Christian to help someone in need. In the story of the Good Samaritan, there was no law requiring the priest and the Levite to stop and help the possibly dead man along the road. The Good Samaritan, acted like a Christian, and willingly gave up his rights to privacy, his own schedule, and his own donkey to offer aid to the injured man. Why must so many people have to be commanded to act before they go out of their way and inconvenience themselves to help another?

Whether in the Church, the community, or a marriage, God has given us the power and freedom to give up our rights to ourselves. Let us use our Christian freedom to serve other persons in love. Look around this week for an opportunity to surrender your rights for the good of another person. Then reach out in faith and let God’s glory shine through you.

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