“It is not those who are healthy who need a
physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but
sinners.” —Mark
The other day, my daughter asked me to pick up a prescription
at the hospital where she works. She gave me detailed instructions how to find
the hospital’s pharmacy. I found a solid door with a locking handle, no windows,
and a small sign that read, “Employees Only.”
As I waited to get the prescription, I was struck by
the irony a hospital pharmacy for employees only. It seemed funny or odd or
maybe sad. I know this hospital gives out thousands of prescriptions to
in-patients every day, but I thought, “Don’t hospitals exist to heal the sick?”
This particular pharmacy was an added convenience, a perk for employees.
The Church often functions like a hospital for healthy
folks. The Church offers many great benefits to those of us on the inside.
Sometimes only those who have been part of the church for many years know all
the secret doors to open in order to find help. Those on the inside have all
the connections to resources and assistance. A majority of the money in the western
church goes to benefit those already righteous, already believers, already
church members. Jesus said He came to call sinners. Jesus’ call and the Church’s
mission are for those on the outside. Just as a hospital exists primarily not
to benefit the doctors, nurses, and staff but the sick on the outside in need
of healing; so the Church’s primary calling is to seek to save that which was
lost. John Wesley told the early circuit-riding preachers, “You have nothing to do but to save
souls. Therefore spend and be spent in this work.”
The Church exists for those not yet a part of it. This
makes for an interesting problem. Those who give nothing to the church budget,
those having no vote or voice in the mission and vision of the church, and
those most likely to criticize Christians are the exact persons whom Jesus
calls us to focus on in ministry. We exist to reach outside ourselves. Of
course, there should be great benefits to those inside. We should be
responsible for each other just as a family cares for one of its members. Jesus
told us to love one another, but Jesus also said to leave the 99 in the flock
and to go find the one that was lost.
How much of your energy, money, and prayers go out to
those who are lost. If we would do a time study, we would probably find most of
our ministry time goes toward ourselves or those most like us within our church
family. If we would do a simple analysis on our offerings and charitable gifts,
we might be saddened by the fact we give in the exact opposite direction to the
teachings of Jesus, “It is not
those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.” The next
time you pray, compare the number of people you lift to God who are connected
to a church with the number who have no church family.
We may not all be able to
be Superman, Michael Jordan, or Sidney Crosby, but we can all serve like a
Mother Teresa, encourage like a Barnabas, and pray with the faith of Peter, James, and John. The first
command concerning the lost world was given by Jesus in Matthew 9, “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is
plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into
His harvest’” (37-38).
Many churches, Christians, and pastors are obsessed
about the number of worshippers who attend their services. Jesus seemed to be
more concerned about the numbers who are not attending. Jesus came to seek the lost
and commanded us to go and make disciples. Which part of that command do we
have trouble understanding, the “G” or the “O?”
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