Dealing with Anger
“ Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go
down on your anger.” —Ephesians 4:26
I’m a pouter. Yes, as a child, I learned to suffer
silently. I vividly remember as an eleven or twelve year old getting scolded by
my dad. That was nearly a half a century ago and times were different. My dad
might erupt in a rage at some shortcoming on my part and slap me up across the
back of the head or grab my shirt collar and throw me towards one corner of the
room to get my attention. Incidentally, it was always the opposite corner from where
he was ordering me to go so I had to go past him for another up-slap or speedy
encouragement with his foot. I learned that sighing or eye rolling was not an
appropriate way of expressing my frustration and protest.
Today, I can sympathize more with my dad. He was
trying to keep my blended family together and struggling to keep our financial
heads above the bills. As a pre-teen trying to keep up with adult chores on our
gentleman’s farm, I felt wrongly accused. It seemed to me that anytime anything
was broken or went wrong, I was blamed. To this day, I still feel I was
innocent, but then again, I was twelve.
Early in my married life,
the first 25 or 30 years, I thought I was sparing my wife grief by not sharing
my frustrations. In reality, Darlene would simply assume my quietness and
pouting meant she was not measuring up or had done something to offend me. I
didn’t realize speaking the truth in love would have spared much grief and been
healthier for our marriage.
My experiences from
childhood were reinforced by the Christian notion that anger is bad. After my
conversion, I came to believe any expression of negative emotions like anger,
sadness, fear, and so on were non-Christian. Now, I am learning that God gave
the negative emotion of anger for our benefit. True, in our fallen world, we
misuse this emotion and abuse others in the process. God gave us anger as an
emotional signal that something needs to be changed. It was intended to be a
positive motivator to be used in giving feedback about how life can be lived
Scripture teaches us to “Be angry, and yet do not
sin.” We keep from sinning by addressing anger before the sun goes down. A few
verses later, Ephesians tells us, “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and
slander be put away from you, along with all malice” (4:31).
Notice the company anger keeps in verse 31. Bitterness, wrath, slander and
malice are the sins that result from allowing frustrations and disappointments to
fester. If you are angry, do something with it before it does something in you
or causes you to do something to others.
There are generally three ways we deal with anger: repressing
it, expressing it, or releasing it. Repressing anger, stuffing it down into
your personality and believing if ignored, it will go away, never works.
Expressing and releasing anger are effective if done at the right time and in
the appropriate manner. If we express anger within a relationship with truth
and love as our motivation, good results may occur. When no good can come by
expression and there is no opportunity for reconciliation, we may choose to
release our anger. It actually hurts us more than the other person by keeping it.
Ephesians 4
goes on to talk about preventing anger from becoming a deep-seated hatred by applying
kindness and forgiveness (32). We can only forgive and offer kindness in the
face of frustration and pain as we have received the forgiveness and grace of
God in Jesus Christ. Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there an
injustice you need to address? By God’s grace, may you find release and
appropriate expression of your anger today.