Friday, November 23, 2012

A "Free" Offering

“Let them also offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of His works with joyful singing.”   —Psalm 107:22

What would you say if we took up a sacrificial offering that was truly “free,” an offering that cost no money and didn’t break the wallet? Usually, when we speak of an offering, even a free-will offering, we are thinking of giving money. King David, in the later years of his life against God’s will, took a census of Israel against. God punished Israel with a terrible plague. When acquiring the threshing floor to offer a sacrifice to stop the plague, David refused to give a sacrifice to the Lord that cost him nothing (2 Samuel 24:23). Offerings usually cost.

The sacrificial thank offering mentioned in Psalm 107:22 costs no money. The Bible does prescribe a peace offering of thanksgiving that involves giving animal, flour, and oil offerings that would cost money (Leviticus 7:15), but I believe the sacrifices of thanksgiving above refer to verbal praises and thanks to God. Notice verse 22 exhorts us, “Tell of His works with joyful singing.”

Over the past few months, I have been completely immersed in stewardship issues. Our Church began designing and planning a stewardship campaign, entitled, “Rise Up!” back in the summer. In October, I preached stewardship messages challenging each of us to make our three-year commitment on November 4. Now, I am encouraging everyone to give a First Fruit offering, a down payment, on their pledge. As the pledges and moneys come in, it’s time to turn the focus away from money and to praising God with a sacrifice of thanksgiving for all He has done.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving and spend some quality time with family and friends, hopefully, we will take advantage of the opportunity to give a “money-free” offering of praise and thanksgiving to God. A thank offering to God may cost you time, a bit of your pride, some vulnerability, a measure of courage to speak out, but no money.

An offering of thanksgiving requires us to use words, to speak or sing. Have you ever asked a child, “What are the magic words?” Of course most children reply, “Please and thank you.” Often when giving a gift to my grandchildren, I pause for a verbal response from them, and if I don’t receive one, I add, “And what do you say?” They usually respond, “Thank you.”

Many Christians find it difficult to talk to their unchurched family members about God. Thanksgiving is an excellent time to introduce spiritual conversations into family activities. It’s natural, it’s almost patriotic, and it’s a holiday. The scripture tells us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). I believe Thanksgiving is one of those times to give such an answer.

God is good all the time. God has blessed each of us in numerous ways this past year. Let us pause and recognize how God’s hand has moved. Then let’s offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God. Let us offer a free offering to God. Just maybe God will turn a national holiday into a family holy-day. Happy Thanksgiving.

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