“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and
went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” —Mark 1:35
The end of September and the month
of October look to be overwhelmingly busy for me. As I began my week (Tuesday
for me; I religiously take Monday off as a Sabbath.), I had so much to do I
didn’t know where to start. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me to start where I
begin every day, in prayer, Bible reading, and communing with God.
After reading my Bible, the book
of Ezra, reading a devotional, Oswald Chambers, and spending some time in
prayer, I prayerfully made a list of everything I needed to do. I might call this
my Spirit’s to-do list. Many folks say they work better under pressure. I would
agree that I do, too, but not because of the pressure, but because the pressure
causes me to call upon the Lord and depend upon the Spirit’s direction.
Tuesday’s Spirit’s to-do list had nine items, more than I ever imagined I could
God continually reminds me that
the economy of the Kingdom is not like human economy. In the world, if we are
in a hurry, we would skip prayer and devotions and get working. In God’s
economy, every minute given to God is multiplied so God can accomplish through
us everything that needs done. Martin Luther once spoke about the overwhelming
responsibilities on his plate. He would begin each day by spending an hour in
prayer with God. But, if he had a particularly busy day and was more rushed
than usual, he would make it a point to spend two hours with God before he started
his day.”
Jesus made a practice of spending
time alone with God. Throughout the days, crowds thronged Jesus seeking
healing, teaching, and food. In order to find spiritual nourishment and direction,
Jesus would arise very early in the morning and pray privately (Mark 1:35).
With the demands placed upon Jesus, we can see where He received His strength
and guidance. Jesus seemed never to be in a hurry, but He also was never late.
If we are going to get everything done God has for us and do it with the same
power and anointing Jesus possessed, we must go to the same source.
Oh yes, my nine item to-do list. I
got each item done, in perfect timing, and in God’s power. At the end of the
day, I was definitely tired but a good kind of tired. The tired that comes from
knowing I did a good day’s work. The tired that comes from knowing God was
working through me each step of my day. I still claim Psalm 127:2 as a promise
for busy people. “It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat
the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.”
If you have more to do in a given
day than humanly possible, then don’t try to do it in human strength alone.
Call upon the Lord. Don’t forget to pray first. Jesus said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God”
(Luke 18:27). If you’re too busy to pray, you’re too busy. Pray first. Call
upon the Lord to direct your day, and work hard in God’s strength. The Lord
will never let you down.
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