God Speaks
Speak, for
your servant is listening.—1 Samuel 3:10
People often say, “I have never heard from God.”
Many wonder if it is really possible to hear from God. We often look
suspiciously upon people who continually say that God told them this or that.
Does God still speak to people, today? My answer is a definite, “Yes!” God
still speaks, and people can really hear and understand what God says.
God seeks to communicate with us. God speaks to
us through the world and the universe He created. Psalm 19 tells us that “The
heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands”
(vs. 1). Romans 1:20 says that God reveals Himself through creation, “For since
the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine
nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.”
If God seeks to speak to us and we are willing to
listen, hearing from God is very simple. God speaks in many ways: through
creation, through the Bible, through circumstances, through other people, and
in various supernatural ways. The Bible is full of stories where God spoke
through angels, dreams, visions, and even once through a man’s donkey (Numbers
22). Most of all, God has given the Holy Spirit to every believer to teach, remind,
and direct us in the ways of God.
In the Garden of Eden, God would walk in the
garden and commune with Adam and Eve. After their fall into sin, God called to
them, “Where are you” (Genesis 3:9)? God is not only the creator of all things,
but God initiates communication with us. He calls to us.
The boy Samuel, who served in the Temple from
childhood, had not yet heard God’s voice. Then God called to him in the night.
Samuel arose from his bed and ran to the Eli the Priest thinking he was
calling. This happened three times. On the third time, Eli realized God was
speaking to the boy. He instructed Samuel, if it happened again, to reply, “Speak, Lord, for
your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9, 10). God called to Samuel again.
Samuel replied as instructed, and Samuel began to regularly hear God’s voice.
Have you ever heard from God? If not, have
you taken the time to quiet your life and circumstances and listen? Have you ever
said like Samuel, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening?” God can speak
as loud as a waterfall or tornado, but often only speaks as soft as a whisper.
We must quiet ourselves, listen, and learn to recognize God’s voice.
God is still speaking; are you listening? Actually, God is
continually speaking. Revelations 3:20 says, “Here I am! I stand at the
door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will
come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” The verb “knock”
could be translated as “am knocking.” God continually seeks to communicate with
human beings. If we seek to hear from God, take time to listen, and read God’s
Word, the Holy Spirit will reveal what God is saying to your heart, mind, and
We would do well to heed the old railroad crossing signs that
read, “Stop, look and listen.” Stop; take time away from busyness and
distractions. Look; read God’s word, observe God’s hand in creation. Listen;
allow the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s voice to you. You just may be amazed to
realize that God has been speaking to you all along.
Randy Bain is the Senior
Pastor of Oakland UM Church at 1504 Bedford Street, Johnstown, PA 15902. You
may reach him through the church website www.oaklandonline.org.